The Evergreen State College issued the following announcement.
The Evergreen State College announced November 23 it will not compete in basketball for the 2021 season because of safety concerns related to COVID-19.
“After talking with our coaches, campus COVID-19 leaders, senior leadership, the Cascade Collegiate Conference commissioner, and the other college presidents of conference schools, it’s clear that in the case of our men’s and women’s basketball teams, returning to play now or in January is unrealistic,” said President George Bridges. “Keeping our students and community safe is a top priority."
The Cascade Collegiate Conference allows schools to opt out of competitive play when state restrictions, the challenges of testing and social distancing or the significant risk of exposure to student athletes and coaches make competition unsafe. Students will not lose a season of eligibility nor will those with athletic scholarships lose their financial aid support.
"The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect each institution and community differently and we certainly respect the decision by The Evergreen State College to opt out of men's and women's basketball for the 2020-21 season,” said Cascade Conference Commissioner Robert Cashell.
"None of these choices come easy but as a conference we fully support the need for campus leadership to do what they feel is best as we all continue to navigate the situation," said Cashell.
No decisions have been made yet about 2021 Geoduck volleyball, soccer or track and field. Public health guidance will inform these decisions, according to the college.
Western Washington University and Central Washington University have also announced their basketball teams will not compete in their respective conferences.
Original source can be found here.